It is December 18/19, 2021, and we have a very powerful Full Moon. Full Moon’s are a period of letting go of what no longer serves us. There is a lot of shadow being created in the collective consciousness right now, and I hope this inspires you to reflect on what and how you’ve been creating and projecting into the world. The power does lie with “We The People”. And at this critical time in our history, we need to spend time going inward and reflecting, and being patient with ourselves, others and the world around us. We seem to be crushing time and space. What we need to do is breath more and allow our energies to expand while we go through this process individually and collectively.

A simple exercise I use is from Sadhguru. I place my hands in front of me and rub them back and forth, really fast, for about 20 to 30 seconds; like I was rubbing a genie lamp. Then, I open my hands about 6-8 inches and feel the pulsation of the energy between them. Next, I allow the energy to expand beyond the inner space of my hands, to all around me and in all directions; front, back, left, right, below me and above. Then, with its intelligence, it continues with its expansion throughout my home, and outside of my home, and all around. It’s quite magnificent, humbling and calming experience.

Between now and the New Moon on January 2, 2022, it is a time for inner reflection (winter hibernation) and to identifying what no longer serves us; what we no longer want or need anymore.

Here are some of mine for sharing:

1. I don’t want to emanate or toss out my energy and have it come back to me in unconscious, destructive, harmful, compulsive, excessive, fearful, hateful, depleting ways.

2. I don’t want excessive, unnecessary, wasteful, compulsive energy, thoughts or actions.

3. I don’t want to be disconnected or impeded from Mother Soil, biodiversity, my liberty and sovereignty, my fundamental integrity and inner instability and the cosmos.

4. I don’t want to crush time and space.

5. I don’t want to be without profoundness of experience and impactful usefulness.

6. I don’t want to be entangled, compulsive or complicated in my desire process and survival needs.

7. I don’t want to be without good health (physical, social, professional, financial, emotional, spiritual, mental… ) and well being, as co-created by me.

8. I don’t want to be desensitized or inoculated, interfered with or impeded in my enhancement and fulfillment of my Life.

9. I don’t want to be without my spaciousness and like-minded souls.

10. I don’t want to be without the continuous integrity and stability of my inner plane.

11. I don’t want to fulfill psychological or physiological needs or desires that harm life on the planet.

12. I don’t want to be without the wisdom of knowing when enough is enough.

13. I don’t want to be without my discernment, reasoning, compassion, acceptance of change.

14. I don’t want to be entangled in or consumed by the shadow that is being created in the collective consciousness.

15. I don’t want to be without appreciation, awe, wonder, splendor, beauty, creativity, love, equanimity, equity, bliss, magic and synchronicity.

16. I don’t want to be persuaded, exploited, coerced or forced into what is good for me. This is a natural process of my sovereignty.

Give it a try. What would your list read or look like?

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Patricia xo